Your investment in supporting women and girls refresh their steps is valued. #Support

in purpose * on purpose * for a purpose

Rebelle With A Cause Inc.

is a 509 (a)(2) non profit organization.

EIN 85-3028732
Donations are tax -deductible

Empower • Validate • Build

Our goal is to EMPOWER those impacted by relationship abuse as they rediscover their voices and their authentic selves through the art of beauty and creative expression.

We VALIDATE survivors experiences by believing and connecting with them.

Providing resources that help to BUILD and develop their self-advocacy skills needed on their healing journey. This in turn enriches their communities as well as provide effective tools needed for development and maintenance of healthy relationships for the future.

young women of diverse backgrounds having a conversation

Mission Statement

Our goal is to empower and uplift survivors of all backgrounds and experiences. We assert that every survivor deserves to be believed and supported in their journey of healing. Our mission is to inspire survivors to rediscover their voice and authenticity by incorporating makeup as a self-care tool laying a foundation to reclaim their self-worth. We validate each survivor's experience by providing them with a safe space where they can share their stories without judgement. Through our programs we strive to connect survivors to resources that will assist in their healing journey as they develop and build the self-advocacy skills needed resulting in the enrichment of their communities.

About Us

As dedicated members of Rebelle With A Cause Inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving Maryland and the District of Columbia, we have been actively engaged in our community, striving to educate, uplift, and empower survivors of domestic violence on their healing journey.

Through the transformative power of beauty and creative expression, our mission is centered around empowering our clients as they rediscover their voices, validate their experiences, and cultivate the necessary skills for self-advocacy. We accomplish this through our unique rebelle pacs program, community building events, collaborations and personalized services.

workshop media which includes flowers, pamphlets and crossword puzzle
rebelle pac with supplies for survivors

In the Community

  • Craft personalized care packages (rebelle pacs) for

        local shelters

  • Organize and host interactive regional beauty seminars/workshops
  • Contribute supplies, crucial support to and collaborate with national organizations and service providers  supporting women and girls
  • Through our programs and philanthropic efforts we are focused on self advocacy skills needed in building healthy relationships, achieving equality and empowerment for all women and girls, and partnership relationships with other advocate organizations to support the goal of prevention and healing for all victims and survivors.

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